What is success?
Success can be measured in many ways but many things in our society are measured through economic success. Of course do all people need money to be able to live like buying food, clothes and somewhere to live. But when these three basic needs are catered what should one do with economic success?
The danger with economic success is that it’s easy to suppose that it is important and that it is the meaning of life. But do economic success bring a consisting lasting and unshakable joy and happiness?
The answer to this question must be an undoubtedly no. Isn’t the important in life to feel happiness and joy, and spread the happiness and joy and share the happiness and joy? Isn’t the biggest success in life to feel joy and happiness? Unfortunately economic success is mistaken from giving happiness, although can economic success trigger a happiness. But this happiness is temporary and doesn’t last.
But when one feels joy and happiness it then regards to feel the feeling and try to live in the feeling even though the reason for the joy and happiness has disappeared. If one, through exercise, gets good at this then it will lead to that one more and more moves towards feeling joy and happiness. If one feels joy and happiness the adversities and problems one meets in life will feel less hard and will become easier to overcome.
Therefore is the greatest success one can do in one’s life is to reach so far in one’s inner development that one, preferably always, feels a joy and happiness. Of course this will require practice and dump into adversities, but if one doesn’t even try to practice to feel joy and happiness but only chase for economic success to be able to feel joy and happiness then the joy and happiness will disappear more and more.
Because the true and lasting happiness isn’t connected to what’s in world, because it comes from inside of you and can be felt by you. When you feel joy and happiness you will spread it in your life and more and more will feel from your joy and happiness.
If you want to read about the inner journey I have made during thirty years, you can read about it in an e-poem collection, but it's only available in Swedish.
Den inre resan (iTunes)
Den inre resan (WHSmith)
I also have two poetry pages where I publish poems, aphorisms and other stuff:
Peter Junell writes on Allpoetery.com (In English)
Peter Junell skriver på poeter.se (In Swedish)
Bloggen är också tillgänglig på svenska:
Peter Junells Blogg