lördag 19 oktober 2013

Time to scrap the pedestal?

If there is a force which existed before the universe was created, which then created energy and then created the universe through Big Bang. What need or desire will would this force have of being worshipped or prayed at?

Consider that if you were the absolute and have created everything. You have created everything and can destroy everything. You know that you are everything. What need would you then have of recognition? You already know everything, you already master everything and you are everything. What can everything give you that you do not already have or can create?

With this reasoning, it leads to one conclusion and that is that the force which has created it all has no need of being worshipped or prayed at. The force which has created it all has no needs, but is only in a state of being.

All religions and rituals have therefore been created by man for man. The force in itself doesn’t want to sit on a pedestal, being prayed at and worshipped. The force which has created everything and is everything enjoys when everything in the universe feels connection to and affinity with the force. This is because joy and happiness is the goal of the inner journey.

Isn’t the sweetest fruit joy and happiness? Doesn’t everybody feel best of joy and happiness? Isn’t therefore the greatest gift joy and happiness? The greatest and most lasting joy is the one which is inside of you, because there have the force placed what’s most precious in the whole of universe. 

Anyone who has reached through meditation, contemplation, philosophy or any other technique a connection with one’s inner most, where the only thing that exists is total being, knows what I am talking about. It’s in this state of mind of full connection that the inner joy, happiness, meaning and understanding can be reached.

Unfortunately this connection is so far very short and temporarily, at least for me. But during these experience’s there is a force and insight left even when the connection is broken. It’s a very might feeling to be in a state of mind of being and during a short moment feel a full connection with everything and reach a full understanding.

The only logical is therefore to take down God/the force/the higher being etc. from the pedestal and find it inside of you. The force which has created everything is not a person or religion but it is the inner most that is inside of you and all other creatures in the universe.

But in the same way as the sun is obscured by the clouds the inner world is obscured by the outer world’s anxiety and frustration.  But if in contact with the inner world the outer world’s anxiety and frustration is easier to meet. In the same way as the wind blows away the clouds the inner connection blows away the outer world’s anxiety and frustration.

If you want to read about the inner journey I have made during thirty years, you can read about it in an e-poem collection, but it's only available in Swedish.
Den inre resan (iTunes)
Den inre resan (WHSmith)

I also have two poetry pages where I publish poems, aphorisms and other stuff:
Peter Junell writes on Allpoetery.com (In English)
Peter Junell skriver på poeter.se (In Swedish)

Bloggen är också tillgänglig på svenska:
Peter Junells Blogg

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