tisdag 22 oktober 2013

What has Jesus, Buddha and Muhammed in common?

The simple answer to that question is that they have all through their lives made the base for three different world religions. But is this answer really the most important answer? Isn’t it important how they treated their fellow people and how much love they felt in their lives?  Isn’t the love they spread in their lives what’s important?

What unites a carpenter son, a merchant and a son of a prince? Can it be that their lives had different paths but lead to the same goal? Was it that their inner development journeys lead them to the same goal? Were they in fact not bigger or smaller people than us, but they developed to what they became.

Didn’t Jesus go through a development journey when he first said?
- I am the messenger of God.
Then he said:
- I am the son of God.
To finally say:
- I and my father is one.

Didn’t Buddha go through a development journey through his travel to avoid the suffering of life and which later on lead to enlightenment?

Didn’t Muhammed go through a development journey through the wandering of the caravan and then the revelations on the mountain Hira?

Can it be that the important is not what you are born to but what you are developed to? If the goal with everything is reached through an inner development journey and it’s nothing that a few chosen ones can do, it means that all humans have the same possibilities and rights to inner development. If we also add the aspect the universe, it means that all creatures in the universe are doing an inner development journey. An inner development journey where everyone has the same rights and possibilities.

The only thing that is needed to start an inner development journey is to move the focus from the outer to the inner. Important to emphasize now is that this development journey doesn’t mean that you have to put yourself in a cave and meditate. That is maybe the easiest way since you do not have to take anybody or anything else into consideration.

But if the goal with an inner development journey is to reach ones inner most, feel total connection and connectedness with everything, it is also important that this is spread through ones thoughts, words and actions to society. It’s very hard to spread anything when locked up in a cave ;-).

But where are the women’s? Why is it that only men have created world religions? This fact only reflects the society structure that has existed historically and still exists largely even today. ? But since both men and woman has the same possibilities and rights ta an inner development, there is also woman who has reached the same goal as Jesus, Buddha and Muhammed. In my world it feels a bit strange to even point this out since it’s so obvious for me.

What’s important to remember is that the important is not to establish a world religion but rather to reach the goal of the inner development journey. Who is really a winner? The one who rules the world or the one who has full connection to the force which has created the earth, the universe and everything else.

If you want to read about the inner journey I have made during thirty years, you can read about it in an e-poem collection, but it's only available in Swedish.
Den inre resan (iTunes)
Den inre resan (WHSmith)

I also have two poetry pages where I publish poems, aphorisms and other stuff:
Peter Junell writes on Allpoetery.com (In English)
Peter Junell skriver på poeter.se (In Swedish)

Bloggen är också tillgänglig på svenska:
Peter Junells Blogg

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