söndag 15 september 2013

Hi and welcome

Do you like to travel?

Personally, I think it is fun to travel and ideally to a nice sunny and warm place. But the most important journey is not the one our body makes rather the journey we make in our inner. All humans make a journey in their inner consciously or unconsciously through the journey they make in life. Therefore can a journey made with the body also affect our inner journey. But it's up to each person to decide how our life journey will affect our innermost.

During our life journey we collect information to our brain through our senses, sight, vision, hearing, touch, smell and taste. The brain affects our emotions when interpreting the information we get from our senses and the emotions in there turn affects how we feel in our inner.

Our life journey can be made alone or in company with other humans. But our inner journey is always made alone and has for all humans the same goal. The goal is to reach your innermost kernel and express it in your daily life.

When we reach our innermost kernel and are connected to it the daily life becomes easier. I don't say that all troubles will go away in a second, but our attitude towards them will change. The attitude will change in a way that we have easier to look upon problems from different angles and also have easier to find solutions to them

When you do your inner journey one way is to ask many questions to yourself and here are some you may ask.
Who am I?
What do I want?
Where am I going?
When you do your inner journey it's good to be inquisitive and in that way get to your innermost. For my inquisitiveness is natural and I remember a secondary teacher who ones said:
- Good, Peter has understood everybody has understood, then we can move on.
I can add that he said it with twinkle in his eye.

Now when we have reached this far I thought I should mention that I do not have patent on "The inner journey", I just write on the blog to share my experiences and like to get some feed-back.

This is my first post in this blog and I only have a very rough sketch of what I shall blog about. I will initially throw myself into interesting subjects like The meaning of life, Religion, God, Atheism, Love, Hat, Happiness, The force, Innermost kernel etc, as soon as I have written something down. I am not absolutely sure in which order I will be addressing the topics or if I will come to think about something else I rather want to blog about.

I think this will be enough as a first post and do share your own experiences or give feed-back. The feed-back posts can even be like:
- I don't believe in "The inner journey" drivel because of...
Only that one has an incentive to one's position and are willing to discuss it.

If you want to read about the inner journey I have made during thirty years, you can read about it in an e-poem collection, but it's only available in Swedish.
Den inre resan (iTunes)
Den inre resan (WHSmith)

I also have two poetry pages where I publish poems, aphorisms and other stuff:
Peter Junell writes on Allpoetery.com (In English)
Peter Junell skriver på poeter.se (In Swedish)

Bloggen är också tillgänglig på svenska:
Peter Junells Blogg

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