onsdag 25 september 2013

What do you believe in?

Everyone has sometime in life been faced with the question:
- Do you believe in God?

What your answer is to this question very much depends on what kind of experiences you have got in life. If you have experiences of much grief, missing, disappointments and/or how much happiness, joy, love etc… The answer to the question can also depend on which experiences you have had in life, on growing up or which kind of society you grow up in.

What’s interesting, I think, is not if you say that you believe in God or not. What’s interesting is which definition you have of God or if you like, which picture you have of God.

The first questions you should ask are which shape have God, What is God? What is also important to remember when talking of the definition of or picture of God is that no one has got patent on God. I.e. no one can say what’s right or wrong regarding the shape of God.

Is God a person or a force? If he is a person and that person has already lived, then it’s sorry for all of you that lives now, Bad Timing ;-). But if he/she (that was very modern or irritatingly written) is a force, you can ask the question what is and where is this force?  What can this force? What does this force want?

With my background and interest in technology, IT, Energy etc., I see a more logical explanation which leans more to the force direction with some similarities with energy. As you maybe already know energy is indestructible and only changes shape.

If we assume from the definition of God as a force then it’s logical that this force like energy is indestructible and only changes shape. If we further add the parameter that this force created universe then a bit more thoughts appears in one’s head. If this force is like energy you can see it like the force was in the singularity that was before Big Bang and then created the universe.

If one wants to move it up another level you can also see the force as non-physical and that it existed before the singularity. This force then expressed itself in the physical world through Big Bang which emanated from the singularity.

Many thoughts and issues it becomes, but it’s important to remember that no one has patent on God. This makes that one purpose with “The inner journey” is to create one’s own picture of how it all is linked together.

Which is your picture of God or what you call some higher being or force? Please share your own experiences and make comments, have an opened mind, ponder, piece out, discuss and see where the road leads.

If you want to read about the inner journey I have made during thirty years, you can read about it in an e-poem collection, but it's only available in Swedish.
Den inre resan (iTunes)
Den inre resan (WHSmith)

I also have two poetry pages where I publish poems, aphorisms and other stuff:
Peter Junell writes on Allpoetery.com (In English)
Peter Junell skriver på poeter.se (In Swedish)

Bloggen är också tillgänglig på svenska:
Peter Junells Blogg

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